How Simone Biles’ Decision at the Tokyo Olympics Highlights the Importance of Mental Health and Self-Care

Remember the Tokyo Olympics? How could we forget? We were all tuned in, ready to watch Simone Biles do what she does best. And then, in a moment that surprised the world, she bravely withdrew due to the twisties—a decision that sparked widespread discussion about mental health in sports. If you want to understand more about that pivotal moment, I highly recommend checking out her documentary on Netflix. Watching it, I gained a deeper understanding of just how tough that time was for her.

At the time, I hated how she was being treated. The backlash was harsh, and it was awful to witness. But what I observed then only confirmed what I’ve always believed: when something is right, it will work out in ways you can’t even imagine. And that’s exactly what happened at the Tokyo Olympics 2020.

Simone Biles: A Champion Who Prioritized Mental Health

Simone Biles was expected to win the All-Around gold, just as she had done in 2016 and in several world championships. But when she withdrew, many people were concerned about how the U.S. gymnastics team would perform without their star athlete. Looking back, it’s clear that Simone made the right choice, and the outcome was unexpectedly wonderful.

In the final medal count, the U.S. team secured silver. Sunisa Lee, another incredible U.S. gymnast, stepped up and took home the All-Around Gold Medal. MyKayla Skinner, who filled in for Simone, won silver in the vault final. And Simone, despite everything, managed to clinch the bronze on the balance beam using a routine from her earlier years that didn’t require the twisting elements she’s known for.

The Ripple Effect of Mental Health in Sports

The outcome was something special. Instead of relying on one champion, others rose to the occasion and shined. How great is it that we ended up with several champions, along with the undisputed G.O.A.T.? I remember the excitement as the team started winning and showing their strength. By doing what was best for her, Simone helped the team win even more.

Think about a time when you used your talent—whether it was in the workplace, at home, or in your community. How did it make you feel? More importantly, how did it impact others around you? Consider how you might harness that talent more intentionally to bring even more joy to those in your life.

Prioritizing Self-Care Leads to Unexpected Wins

It’s important to recognize that the joy and success you bring isn’t always quantifiable. We can’t put a number on it, but we certainly know it when we feel it. Don’t get caught up in trying to measure your contribution in traditional ways. Instead, focus on living authentically, using your talents to the fullest. The ripple effect of your efforts will be felt by those around you, even if it’s hard to describe or measure.

The beauty of this is that it doesn’t require anything more than what you already have. The only ask is that you put your talent to work and share it, whatever form that takes. Don’t hold back. Modesty can sometimes be a barrier to fully sharing your gifts. The world needs what you have to offer, so don’t save it—share it. When you do, any questions you have about how to create joy will be answered in full.

How Are You Using Your Talents?

As you reflect on how you can bring more joy into the world, I’d love to hear your thoughts. How are you using your talents to make a difference? Share your stories in the comments or tag me on social media—I can’t wait to see the impact you’re making!

Dr. Lisa

Our theme song is “We Are the Champions” by Queen

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