Is it Just Me?

In today's Harnessing Your Power! blog entry, I point you to read Minda Hart’s book “The Memo: What Women of Color Need to Know to Secure a Seat at the Table”. She is a great story teller, but more importantly...

Emotions in Check

I am a senior executive and have just inherited a large organization. My role has expanded significantly. I am excited. I do worry because sometimes I am criticized for being highly emotional...

Suffocating Slowly

I need your advice. My manager is a micro-manager. She is overbearing. If she comes by your desk and you are not there, she will want to know where you were. If you plan to meet with other leaders around the company...

Caught Between Coldhearted and Tired

This is going to seem like I am being cold. I really am not. My coworker has been diagnosed with a serious illness and she cannot keep up with her share of the workload. Therefore, management has divvied the bulk of her work to the rest of the team...

Work Can Be a Jungle

"Can’t we all just get along?” were the words of Rodney King, and these words still ring true. In today's blog entry, I give advice on how to deal with negative and demeaning criticism at work...