Yesterday, I shared with a colleague that I was feeling the ho-hum feeling that I always get this time of year as we approach the 15th anniversary of my mother’s death. During this conversation, as she offered support to me, it occurred to me that we can do so much to take care of each other, even while practicing social distancing. So, let’s take her lead and get busy supporting each other in different ways.
Here are some ideas to get us started.
- Check out this podcast to bring healing.
- Host a Zoom call with friends. We benefit from seeing each other’s faces. Some of you remember when three-way calling came about and how fun it was to have two friends on the line. Well a Zoom call is a three-way call on steroids. You can have the whole gang on the line and faces!
- Order carry-out from local restaurants to keep them alive. We will want them to be there when this is done. Take the necessary precautions and maintain physical distancing.
- Consider extending this mantra from Florence Scovel Shinn to everyone, particularly those on the front lines. Perhaps if we collectively extend healing thinking, we can indeed heal. Shinn offers: “Divine Love floods my consciousness with health, and every cell in my body is filled with light.”
For our front line folks: Medical professionals, grocery store workers, and others still working to keep us going, we offer: “Divine Love floods their consciousness with health, and every cell in their body is filled with light.”
Harness your power and stay well.
Dr. Lisa